Insurance for you and your family.
Regardless of your needs, your lifestyle, your ideas or your dreams, we feel it is essential to have peace, security and comfort so that your attention always remains centered on the important things that define you.
Life insurance
Additional protection that you have full control, no matter what your future holds, choosing the right life insurance policy to suit your needs.
Motor insurance - CASCO
No matter how well you may drive and however cautious you may be in traffic, we all know that a car accident is possible at any time.
Household insurance
For a permanent protection of your home and for the certainty you must feel when you leave home, we offer you an insurance policy that can cover all you need.
Travel heath insurance
Regardless of your destination or the reason of your trip, the most important thing is that you are safe at all time. A travel health insurance policy offers you protection and comfort when you are away from home.
Personal accidents insurance
Because your safety is crucial, we have created for you ACCIDENT PROTECT, an insurance policy which offers you full protection in case of accident, alleviating thus your financial efforts.
Third party liability insurance
Life is unpredictable and so are the situations which can be generated by a location or an asset owned or used and which can generate material damages or accidents to third parties.